The Woman's Embodiment Bundle

Grab Your Two Free Gifts!

"Soul Embodiment® for Women" The Shift Network Audio Interview

Learn a simple yet profound process that helps you to drop in more deeply ...

Embody more fully ...

And activate your energy flow. 

This is the key to manifesting what you were born to do at a soul level.

"Orgasm: Everything You Need to Know" Audio Interview

Get frank and refreshing advice from a conversation Suzanne had with Dr. Rachel Abrams, author of BodyWise: Discover Your Body's Intelligence for Lifelong Health and Healing.

Extra Bonus!

You'll also receive monthly tips and articles that help you stay strong and embodied ... 

And ready to take on whatever life throws your way ... without burning out. 

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If you enjoyed listening to Suzanne during this webinar, be sure to check out Tuesdays with Suzanne on YouTube for weekly explorations.